Here's a list of the reactions you have learned so far. Make sure you can write the products and know the catalysts that are necessary for each reaction. The starred reactions are the ones that you can possibly write a mechanism for.
addition reactions: adding a molecule to an alkene to get an alkane product
- hydrogenation *
- halogenation *
- hydrohalogenation (Markovnikov's rule) *
- hydration (Markovnikov's rule) *
polymerization *
reactions of aromatic compounds: adding a functional group to a benzene ring
- halogenation
- nitration
- sulfonation
reactions of alcohols: reacting with the -OH group
- dehydration (Saytzeff's rule; the only way you know how to make an alkene) *
- formation of ethers *
- alcohol oxidation (consider for primary and secondary alcohols)
reactions with thiols: reacting with the -SH group
- oxidation (creating disulfide bonds) *
aldehydes and ketones: reacting with C=O group
- oxidation
- tollens' test
- benedict's test
- reduction
- addition
- of water *
- hemiacetal formation (including cyclic acetals) *
- acetal formation *
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